I come from a family of teachers. Both of my parents and all of their children have, for some season of life, made their livelihood by teaching. So when Bible curriculum publisher, Positive Action for Christ, brought me on staff as a curriculum designer and writer, I was delighted. During this time, I had the privilege of writing a year-long curriculum for preschoolers, which was later also translated into Spanish. And in 2018, I was thrilled to write a 13-week study for New Growth Press. This study, Radically Different, aims to help middle-schoolers think about relationships through the biblical worldview lenses of creation, fall, and redemption.
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This hashtag attempts to sum up the story of the Bible. In creation, God made everything good. Yet because of the Fall, everything is also broken. And Jesus came to make "all things new." Good. Bad. New. These words don't merely condense the narrative arc of the Bible. They also provide lenses through which to view the world.
That's the point of a new study published by New Growth Press. Radically Different: A Student's Guide to Community introduces teens and tweens to these biblical lenses and helps them view relationships through them. I wrote this 13-week study, both the Student Guide and a Teacher Guide, during the summer of 2018. And I explained in the introduction to the Teacher Guide (image included) why I wrote it:
"Radically Different doesn’t aim to be exhaustive or provide a topical dictionary of issues. Instead, the goal is more modest—to help students in middle-school, or around that age, to start thinking biblically about life and relationships, even if it’s out of step with the currents of the day.
"I hope this study will help the next generation, my own children included, to live more in harmony with the realities and relationships of God’s Word and world. Through your ministry of teaching, may the Lord lead your students' relationships to be radically biblical and radically different."
I've included below some pictures of what the Teacher Guide (including sample pages from the Student Guide) will look like.
What others are saying . . .
In 40 lessons, Exploring God’s Love introduces preschoolers from the wonders of Creation to the resurrection of Jesus Christ, emphasizing the Father’s glorious love along the way. This year-long curriculum offers Story Cards, Teacher's Manual, and a Student Manual full of original artwork, puzzles, coloring pages, cut-and-paste activities, and more. Available here.
I wrote Exploring God’s Love with the hope that it would serve as a map to guide preschoolers (and their teachers) through the Bible’s rich and varied landscape. Along the way, the curriculum points them toward unique demonstrations of God’s love. As I worked with the team at Positive Action to prepare this study, God revolutionized my own life and my understanding and enjoyment of His love. Each lesson features three story from Scripture, and each story includes the following teaching tools:
Target Truths—summarize the primary message of the story
The Big Picture—provides the teacher with the historical and theological context for the story
Setting the Stage—suggests engaging ways to introduce the story
In-text Notes—present resources to add depth to the story
Review Questions—encourage student attention and retention
Additional elements supplement each lesson. They include a Note to the Teacher, Vocabulary, Scripture Memory, Catechism Questions, as well as Extra Activities that engage and challenge students in the first steps of their education.
Exploring God's Love Curriculum (in Spanish)
¡Llegó el momento de la aventura!
Exploremos el Amor de Dios es un estudio que consiste de cuarenta lecciones que llevan a los preescolares en un viaje a través de la Biblia, desde la creación del mundo hasta la muerte y ascensión de Jesucristo. Inspire a sus alumnos con el amor de Dios, haciendo clara la verdad de él mediante historias poderosas, actividades emocionantes e ilustraciones prácticas.
Click here to see the Teachers Manual
Click here to see the Student Manual
Click here to see the Storybook
En este manual del maestro:
Verdades fundamentales – una serie de objetivos principales incluidos con cada lección
Historias bíblicas – lecciones sobre el amor de Dios en las escrituras
Vocabulario – explicaciones de términos clave para suplementar el texto de la historia
Nota para el maestro – palabras de ánimo para apoyar e inspirar al maestro
El panorama general – información de trasfondo que provee contexto para cada historia
Preparando el terreno – Introducciones que llaman la atención para lograr la participación de los niños
Preguntas de repaso – herramientas para ayudarles a escuchar y comprender la lección
Memorización de textos bíblicos – versículos semanales para reforzar el mensaje de la lección
Catecismo – preguntas doctrinales que son fundamentales para el creciente conocimiento del alumno
Actividades extras – ideas adicionales para centros de actividad, manualidades y aplicaciones prácticas
Herramientas del texto – consejos didácticos, preguntas que incitan a la reflexión y puntos naturales para destacar el carácter de Dios